Post to Multiple Job Boards with One Submission

As a professional caregiver you need an easy way to market yourself online. The Dignity Dashboard brings all of your marketing activities under one roof. We are here to empower caregivers and help them reach more seniors. Make at least $18 an hour.

Sign UpOr call 213-296-7309


Activate once, automatically advertise everywhere.

Easily create a profile

Enter the basic details and add photos. We make it simple for you to have a profile that you can be proud of.

Good-looking ad on classified boards

We help you create a professional ad and post it where it will be seen by many, turning into more leads.

Your Marketing Solution

We help you make a professional-looking profile that is sure to attract attention.

Get Maximum Exposure

We'll send your profile to top job sites, including Craigslist.

Share your postings

Quickly share on Facebook and Twitter. Create Craigslist ads in just a few clicks.


See engagement with potential clients increase over time.

Plans & Pricing

No credit card required. No risk, 30-day money back guarantee!

Caregiver Bronze

Beautiful Curated Profile w/ 6 photos
Your profile will be sent to high-traffic job sites like Craigslist.
Technical Support
Choose Plan

Caregiver Silver

$30 /month
Beautiful Curated Profile w/ 12 photos
Technical Support
Receive live leads
Choose Plan

Caregiver Gold

$75 /month
5000 Data Points
3 Team Member
Email Support
IOS and Android App
Customizable Dashboard
Metric API
Choose Plan
Have any questions? Please call 213-296-7309

What People Say About Us

“Dignity made it so easy to create a professional-looking profile. Now I can manage all my marketing efforts in one place. Broadcasting to Facebook and Twitter has never been easier. I would recommend Dignity to any caregiver who wants more exposure and job opportunities. ”

Wanda Lewis
Caregiver in Fremont, CA

“Ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna”

Sergie Kalashnikov
CEO at BentoBox

“Nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.”

Bryant Chou
CTO at Slapper Labs